
  • Orders will be shipped within 3 business days of receiving your order.
  • US Domestic shipments should arrive within 2-5 days after dispatch.
  • International shipments should arrive within 7-14 days after dispatch.


Returns for Refund:

  • Items must be returned within 14 days of their original shipment date.
  • The items should be in the same condition as new, unworn, undamaged, with original tags and packaging.
  • Eligible returns will receive a full refund.
  • Shipping and handling costs are not refundable. Additional usage or damage fees may apply. 


Returns for Exchange:

  • Items must be returned within 15 days of their original shipment date.
  • The items should be in the same condition as new, unworn, undamaged, with original tags and packaging.
  • Eligible returns will be eligible for an exchange. 

Non-refundable or Exchangeable Items:

  • All sale items are considered final purchases and are not eligible for a refund or exchange.
  • All international sales are considered final purchases and are not eligible for a refund or exchange. 

Shipping Information:

  • The shipments originate from New York City.
  • International shoppers should be aware that additional customs fees might apply. 

Contact Information:

  • If you have any questions regarding your order or shipping, please contact the customer support team at